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Our ultimate rally vehicle ... 


The first thing we need for our road trip is a good vehicle. Buying a car is a big step, but it doesn't have to be a disappointing one. When it was time to start our car search we realized the choice isn't as easy as you might think. 


To take part in the ultimate road trip across Europe, our rally vehicle only needs to fill one requirement: It has to be at least 20 years old. 


Finally we found the right car for us - a perfect fit for our road trip, a reliable travel companion on those less-traveled roads. 


While we were looking for a car we found the platform: and we got in contact with Arne. There was not need to think long about it - so we said YES! We are so thankful, Arne is helping us shaping the next chapter of our legendary adventure. 


Say hello to our lovely rallye car! 


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